market strategy training

Commercialization training for business leaders

Elevate your market strategy and commercialization skills

Differentiated value is the key to commercial success. That’s why the world’s leading brands, thought leaders, and rising stars keep coming back to High Tech Strategies to improve their commercialization and market strategy skills.

It's time to get serious about your
market strategy capabilities

Is your team struggling to hit your revenue targets? Do you have a me-too product offering? Are there market segments you should walk away from?

Learn the art of value creation through a customized course, based on over 30 years of experience. You can begin with individual courses or opt for a comprehensive program targeting a specific area of professional development.

Loss of advantage

Your best customers are no longer satisfied with your offering.

Stalled growth

You feel like you’re falling behind as your industry changes

Long sales cycles

At first selling was easy, but now sales cycles are much longer

Explore our training courses

Learn on your own. Build a highly-capable team. Partner with us to solve
commercialization challenges within your organization.

15 Stages of Value Creation

Market dynamics and value perception change 15 times on the market adoption curve. Understanding this is essential to growing a business efficiently. Learn how to prioritize and use the customer’s point of view at each stage of market adoption.


Live online:  June 18-19


Positioning for Market Leadership

The essence of product positioning is about setting the context for your products. Learn how to describe your product as the best in the world at delivering value, that a well-defined set of customers care deeply about.


Live online: March 12-13, May 8-9


Strategic Product Planning

Because buyer preferences and characteristics change at every stage of the innovation-adoption lifecycle, the value you deliver must also change. Learning about product value is essential to maintaining competitive advantage and ensuring sustainable growth.


Live online:  August 27


Identifying Opportunities for Growth

Strategic selection of target markets is critical because there are numerous opportunities, but you have limited resources. Learn how to conduct a value-based analysis of the market landscape, to reveal exceptional opportunities for growth.


Live online:  March 16-17, April 6-7


Trade Show Optimization

Most organization have not formalized the trade show process to focus on and take full advantage of the range of opportunities trade shows present. Learn how to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of your trade show efforts by formalizing the trade show participation process.


Live online:  August 27-28


Go-to-Market Masterclass

Empower your organization through a masterclass that is designed to answer your most important questions related to accelerating growth, differentiation, and competitive advantage. Develop advantages that will help you grow your business no matter what’s happening in the world.


Live online:  September 27


Trusted by leading brands;
market strategy education for all

commercialization top row
Commercialization strategies

Outthink rather than outspend your competitors

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Ready to take your commercialization skills to the next level? Value-creation strategy is the most important tool your business has. Build a culture of strategic thinking.

Opportunity identification

Long-term competitive advantage

Profitable growth

Value creation and delivery

strategy training

Why add market strategy to your skillset?

When Wheatstone wanted to create a dominant offering during the digital transformation of the broadcast industry, they knew they needed market strategy experts to guide them. They chose High Tech Strategies to be their commercialization partner.

Market strategy is the foundation of out-thinking your competitors

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We will guide and empower your organization through professional development classes that are designed to answer your most important questions related to market strategy, accelerating growth, differentiation, and competitive advantage.

Free resources

Templates, tools, infographics, white papers, and more

15 Stages of Value

Guides and tools

15 Stages of Value Creation

There are 15 specific value-creation strategies that must change as you move across the lifecycle of market adoption. This includes key product strategies and actions, new feature decisions, sales channels, pricing, messaging, and support. All 15 stages of value creation are remarkably predictable.

Free playbook

Guides and tools

Market Education Guide

People still talk with other people before making important decisions…especially decisions related to buying new technologies or adopting new innovations. Market education is a proven method of enabling conversations between people that are based on evidence and credibility.

Grow your skills

Industry analysis

Accelerating EV Adoption

Cost and limited driving range are not the only barriers to widespread adoption of electric vehicles. The perception of risk plays the biggest role in delaying mainstream acceptance. This analysis of adoption factors demonstrates that a reduction in perceived risk is actually the primary transformative factor.

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Need assistance?

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Send us a note and we’ll respond quickly. We can help you select the best course, identify the most convenient schedule, or provide results documentation for management.

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